Enhancing the Employability of Filipino Business Undergraduates through a Business Process Outsourcing Enriched Curriculum
To help address the critical demand for talent in business process outsourcing - the fastest-growing industry in the Philippines - the state university in this study implemented an industry-enriched curriculum, utilizing the results of a global assessment to benchmark the employability of its business undergraduates. The study is a singlegroup experiment and employed the chi-square test of independence and t-tests to determine differences between means. The study finds that in the first assessment majority were below the industry benchmark regarding necessary skills and behavioral competency. In the second round, after implementing the enriched curriculum, the majority were within or above the benchmark for both indicators. Findings indicate that the implementation of the curriculum resulted in higher mean scores for both core and behavioral competencies, and these mean differences are statistically significant. The study concludes that, as measured by the assessment tool, the industry-enriched curriculum enhanced the employability of business undergraduates.
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