- Must be a natural-born Filipino citizen and of legal age.
- Must be from an industry, business, or profession preferably related to NORSU’s charter or mandate.
- Must have at least 5 years of employment, business, or practice of profession in the private sector.
- Must be a resident or has resided in the province of Negros Oriental for at least two (2) years.
- Must not, in any way, be connected with NORSU or other government agencies and instrumentalities for one (1) year immediately prior to his or her nomination to the PSR position.
- Must not be currently employed or appointed to any position in the government (local, national, government-owned and controlled corporations), whether full time or part time, at the time of nomination/application for the PSR position.
- Must not be related to any member of the present Board or their duly-authorized representatives, within fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.
- Duly notarized application letter and/or nomination (with the conforme of the Nominee) addressed to:
Chairperson, NORSU Board of Regents
Commission on Higher Education
4th Floor, HEDC Building, C.P. Garcia Avenue
U.P. Campus, Diliman, Quezon City
- Duly accomplished, computerized, and notarized Personal Data Sheet (CSC Form 212);
- Certificate of Employment stating present position in the private sector related to the industry, business or profession related to NORSU’s charter or mandate;
- Service Record of applicant/nominee who has been employed in the government at any point;
- NBI Clearance;
- Certification of No Connection with NORSU;
- Signed Commitment and Availability of the Nominee to serve as PSR;
- Signed Conforme to the Conditions of PSR as provided in CMO No. 7, s. of 2022 Section 14 Terms of Office and Conditions:
> Each PSR shall serve for a term of two (2) years, commencing from the time they take their oath of office. A PSR shall not, after his or her term ends, act in a hold-over capacity.
> In case of death, incapacity, resignation, or other analogous reasons, the PSR’s position shall be deemed vacated. A new search process for a new PSR must be established in accordance with the provisions of the IRR. The new PSR will serve the full term of two (2) years.
- Other requirements:
> Endorsement letter from industry, business and professional sectors represented by their organizations including socio-civic groups. If candidate was nominated: duly accomplished and notarized nomination. Nominees should indicate their acceptance of the nomination by signing their conforme on the designated portion of the notarized nomination;
> 1- to 2–minute video of vision, plans, programs for NORSU;
> Omnibus sworn statement that shall include the following:
1 - Fitness to work
2 - No relation to any member of the present Board member of NORSU or his/her duly-authorized representatives, within fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity;
3 - No current employment appointment with any government entity at the time of his or her nomination.
Applicants must submit one (1) set of original and one (1) very clear, authenticated electronic copy (scanned from original, not screenshot) of the documentary requirements on or before March 25, 2024, 5:00PM (Philippine Standard Time) to:
Secretariat, NORSU Search Committee for Private Sector Representative
Negros Oriental State University
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
(035) 522 5050 local 1008