Established in accordance to the Republic Act 8292, otherwise known as the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997, allowing SUCs to engage in corporate activities in order to generate revenues.
- To efficiently manage the business operations of the University for optimum development of the fiscal, technological, and academic units of the entire system; and
- To continually innovate and create business ventures and opportunities.
In 5 years time, the NORSU - University Enterprise Development shall be able to:
- Enchance the performance of the university in the areas of instruction, research, extension and production through viable and sustainable business enterprises of the system;
- Provide hands-on experiences to students, faculty and staff in handling entrepreneurial ventures thereby preparing them for better livelihood activities in their own respective localities;
- Provide affordable and quality products and services to the stakeholders of the university and other consumers outside of NORSU community;
- Provide employment opportunities to stakeholders and outsiders of the NORSU System;
- Improve the financial condition and the realization of the university's vision, mission, goals and objectives; and
- Establish business linkages with the local, regional, national and international sectors.
Legal Basis for SUCs to Undertake Production/Resource Generation
The authority and right of an SUC to engage in income generating projects to raise additional revenue for its support are not without its legal bases. In fact, a number of legal issuances have been cumulatively put in place for this purpose since 1979 and they are the following:
1. LOI No. 872 (June 8, 1979)
- Encourage agricultural shcools, colleges and universities to participate in food production projects; and
- Authorized schools to establish Revolving Fund (RF) from the income of food production program.
2. NBC 331 (November 27, 1980)
- Authorized the establishment of Revolving Fund (RF) for Agricultural Schools;
- Provided guidelines to implement LOI 872 relative to the participation of government schools in the food production program;
- Prescribed rules and procedures concerning the creation of school Revolving Fund (RF) out of the income realized from agricultural projects; and
- Created Fund 161
3. LOI No. 1026 (May 23, 1980)
- Directed the acceleration of manufacturing operations of national schools.
4. COA Circular No.84-239 (August 15, 1984)
- Prescribed uniform procedures for proper valuation, recording and reporting of products acquired or produced by government agencies
5. DBM Circular Letter No. 92-8 (November, 18, 1992)
- Provided guidelines on the establishment of Revolving Fund (RF) of SUCs for the operation of auxiliary services; and
- Created Fund 163
6. DBM Circular Letter No. 94-5 (June 17, 1994)
- Prescribed the guidelines on the use of income and the creation, operation and maintenance of Revolving Fund (RF) of various agencies
7. NCC 75 (March 1, 1995)
- Prescribed the rules and procedures in granting honoraria to government officials and employees involved in special projects.
8. RA No. 8292 (Junes 1997)
- Provided powers to SUC governing board to allow the school to generate more income through a more effective utilization of their existing resources;
- Authorized the SUC governing board to decide on the use of school income for any resonable purpose, which in its discretion, may be necessary and urgent for the attainment of the objectives and goals of the University or College.
9. General Appropriations Act FY 2021 (Sec.9 of the General Provisions)
- Authorized existing Revolving Fund (RF) to continue their operations except those which are reflected under "use of income"
- Considered Revolving Fund (RF) as self-perpetuating and self-liquidating.
- Water Refilling Station
- Printing Press
- Garments and Embroidery
- Fablab (Tarpauline Printing, Laser printing and engraving)
- Livestock Production (piggery and poultry)
- Vegetables and Crops Production (bitter gourd, sweet corn)
- Seedling Production (calamansi, lakatan)
- Fruit Farming (Rambutan, Honeydew)
- LED Billboard
- NORSU Facilities (NORSU Gymnasium, AVR, Rooms, Vehicles)
- Space Rentals
- Academic Regalia
- ISO 9001:2015 certified since May 27, 2019
- Compiled with ISO Standards based on External Audit conducted on May 2022