The CAO Finance Office Memorandum No. 2 S. 2024 requires all financial transactions/documents to go through the Finance Office Document Tracing System. In line with this, Mr. Ted Elrico R. Tamparong, the University Systems Developer and Analyst, along with Ms. Charry Mae G. Hetio, Finance IT personnel, held a Finance System Workshop focusing on Document Tracing and Budget Preparation Modules on November 26, 2024 at the ST AVR.
The workshop aims to equip NORSU Academic and Administrative staff with the skills to utilize the university's technological advancements, particularly in managing documents in their offices. Specifically, the workshop includes training on System On-boarding, Document Tracing, and Budget Preparation.
Attendees at the workshop are from Main Campuses I & II, and Bais Campuses I & II. Workshop for staff from Bayawan, Guihulngan, Mabinay, and Siaton Campuses will be on December 6, 2024.