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Dr. Noel Marjon E. Yasi

University President

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The National Economic and Development Authority Region VII (NEDA-7) encourages qualified individuals to join the Filipinnovation Awards 2025

The National Economic and Development Authority Region VII (NEDA-7) encourages qualified individuals to join the Filipinnovation Awards 2025, following a briefing held today, February 28, at the ST AVR, Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) Main Campus.

The call was made in line with the launch of the National and Regional Innovation Awards and Competitions (NRIAC), also known as the “Filipinnovation Awards,” by the National Innovation Council (NIC).

This annual competition serves as a platform to showcase innovative products and services. It aims to inspire stakeholders to actively participate in innovation and contribute to the national goal of cultivating an innovative culture.

NORSU President Dr. Noel Marjon E. Yasi expressed his enthusiasm that NEDA-7 chose NORSU to host the briefing. "We are privileged to have this event on innovation," Yasi stated.

Evelyn Nacario-Castro, NEDA-7 Assistant Regional Director, highlighted her belief that the origin of ideas and concepts for innovation should stem from the motivation to serve and make a difference. Moreover, she hopes to see these ideas and concepts translated into tangible products and solutions that can be utilized by others and commercialized.

Filipinnovation Awards is open to all 100% Filipino-owned and registered enterprises and individuals with innovative products or services currently in early-stage commercialization. This includes micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and individuals from all regions of the country.

The tentative dates for the competition in the Visayas are as follows: March 21–28, 2025 - Eligibility Checking of all submitted applications; May 27–28, 2025 - SNC Pre-screening of the Top 10 Finalists and Preparation for the Visayas Sub-National Competition; July 16–17, 2025 - Visayas Sub-National Competition; October 2025 - National Competition in Manila.

Officials from NORSU who were present at the event included Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Rose Marie T. Pinili, members of the faculty and staff, and engineering students. Also present were representatives from various academic institutions.