For the past 25 years, the College of Arts and Sciences continuously bring professional training to students , for them to be intellectually, morally, physically and socially skilled individuals equipped to contribute to global social and professional demands. The CAS is committed to produce graduates with scientific, artistic, and technological skills that meet global standards to aid in the advantage of society in its interminable quest towards development. The CAS provides academic and academic-support programs designed for the holistic development and professional advances for students in fields of specialization in both the arts and sciences.
Stimulate the students analytical, Scientific, socio-cultural, and Technological
Create a caring and compassionate Community
Inspire the young to lead, act, and be involved in concerns affecting the Filipino
Excel in the chosen field of specialization
Nurture and vitalize national identity,cultural diversity, and promote desirable
Collaborate and maintain strong partnership with various stakeholders
Enrich and endorse relevant Advocacies
Strengthen and accelerate processes in instruction, research, extension, and
Accomplishment Report